Restaurants where to eat: Pastel de Nata (pasteis de Belém)

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Rancho Açoriano Coqueiros

R. Des. Pedro Silva, 3240 - Coqueiros, Florianópolis - SC, 88080-701, Brasil
Florianópolis , Santa Catarina, Brazil

Suggestions you can taste in this restaurant:
Crab Cone, Pastel de Nata (pasteis de Belém), , Codfish cake, Shrimp Milanesa, Shrimp with garlic and oil, Oysters served natural, ,
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Rancho Açoriano Ribeirão

Rod. Baldicero Filomeno, 5618 - Ribeirão da Ilha, Florianópolis - SC, Brasil
Florianópolis , Santa Catarina, Brazil

Suggestions you can taste in this restaurant:
Oysters served natural, , Codfish cake, Crab Cone, Pastel de Nata (pasteis de Belém), Shrimp Milanesa, Shrimp with garlic and oil, ,
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